Sunday, May 27, 2018

जिन्दगीको बेचइन मुसाफिर

तिम्रो मायाको साम्राज्यमा मधहोस भएछु
तिमो विश्वाशको कठघेरामा अन्धो भएछु
थाहा छैन मलाई
खै कसरी बिग्रियो हाम्रो प्रेमको अंकगणित
र बेरुजु भए थुप्रै सपनाहरु
अनी बेवारीसे भयो त्यो आत्मिय समान्ध ।
न तिमीले मलाई बुज्न चाहयौ
न मैले तिमीलाई बुझाउन सके
थाहै न दिई
हाम्रो मायाको भुगोलबाट
पंक्षि जस्तै उडेर गयौ तिमी
अन्नन्त्रै, कहाँ हो था'छैन ।
तब मात्रै बोध भयो मलाई
तिमी न नुहुको पिडा
म निसासिए, म आत्तिए
म हराए, म मातिए
म कमजोर भई धर्मराए, म बर्बराए
तर मेरो पिडाले तिमीलाई कतै छोएन
छोयो त केबेल
समन्धलाई जलाउने धेयले
मलाई नाराज र बेबकुफ बनाउने धेयेले
तिमीले निचोरेर जती दु:खाए पनि
मेरो मन मस्तिस्कले
तिमीलाई कहिलै भुल्न सकेन
तिम्रो नजिक आउँदा या तिमिलाई सम्झिदा
मेरो मुटुले सुस्तरी कहिलै धड्किएन
तिमी यसरी परिवर्तन हुन्छौ भन्ने
तिमीले मलाई भुल्छौ भन्ने
मलाई कहिलै अनुमान भएन
कसरी छक्काइदियौ तिमीले मलाई
र बनाइ दियौ जिन्दगीको बेचइन मुसाफिर

राज चन्चल
२०७४ चैत्र १

Friday, January 06, 2017

Australia immigration steep by steep student visa process

Australia immigration from Nepal has really paced up since 10 years. People are reaching there either through student visa or a qualified skilled manpower. A student visa to any country is always determined to be a non-immigrant visa. To qualify for the student visa it is imminent to show strong ties with your country. The strong ties can be the financial resource you have in your home country, the relations and the job. Whereas to qualify for the PR of the Australia you must be eligible through the point system set by the Australian government. Australia immigration is possible through these two methods. Australia immigration through student visa is temporary and Australia immigration through the skilled manpower application is a permanent. In this article we will be discussing details of Australia immigration process that includes during application of the students visa to study in Australia. Australia Immigration through students visa includes following process: Step One: Take an Ielts Exam and score at least 6.5. For studying bachelor level, an average score can be 6 and for masters it should be necessarily 6.5. In some cases, collage will accept you with under 6.5 but you must read English there for certain months. Step two: Gather all academic documents and search the collage/university for you to study in Australia. After finding the collage/university go to the site of that collage and fill an online application. Step Three: To complete an application fee you have to pay certain application fee as per the collage/university rule. The payment can be done from various bank of Nepal. Step Four: The collage or university will reply for the admission if you are totally eligible for the program you choose to study there. If you are accepted you will receive the offer letter. Step Five: Now after getting the offer letter you must move toward applying the visa. Before applying visa, you must concentrate that you should show enough financial resource which can support your study. Step Six: Australian High Commission truly authenticated only two banks of Nepal. The two banks are Nabil and SBI Bank. Through these banks you must show the transaction or the student loan. The student loan must cover 80% of your fee and you must have 20 % deposit in your bank. Step Seven: To get loan you must have sufficient income source. If you want to have 40 Lakhs of student loan from bank then you must at least have 80 thousand Nepali rupee income per month. Or you may put a lump sum of 40 to 50 lakhs in bank and show the transaction as required. Step Eight: When the financial documents are ready you must move to apply for visa to Australia High Commission. They may take your phone/skype interview. Related Posts:

Thursday, December 15, 2016

फोनलाई सुपरफास्ट यसरी बनाउनुहोस

तपाईको मोबाइल अहिले पनि नयाँमा जत्तिकै फास्ट छ ? पक्कै पनि छैन होला। किन भने मोवाइल पुरानो हँुदै जाँदा स्पिड पनि स्लो हुँदै जान्छ । यसो हुँदा कसलाई पो राम्रो लाग्थ्यो र ? तर के तपाईलाइ थाहा छ ? केही समयमै तपाइको मोबाइल सुपर फास्ट बन्न सक्छ । यसको लागि सबभन्दा पहिला समस्या पत्ता लगाउनुहोस। जस्तै कुन एप्लिकेशनले धेरै ¥याम र सिपीयुको बढी प्रयोग गरीरहेको छ? फोनको कोरले राम्रोसँग काम गरीरहेको छ की छैन? कुन एपले कति स्पेश ओगटेको छ? यसको लागि केहीमध्ये एप्लिकेशनहरु डाउनलोड गनुहोसः १– क्लीनर ऐप डाउनलोड गर्नुहोस नयाँ एन्ड्रोइड अपरेटिङ सिस्टम ६ Þ० मार्समेलोमा भएको क्लीनर एप्सजस्तो फिचर छ । तर यसले पुरानो भर्सनवाला मोवाइलको यो समस्या हटाउन मेमोरी बुस्टर क्लीन मास्टर र एवीजी क्लीनर जस्तो एप्लिकेशन गुगल प्ले स्टोरबाट डाउनलोड गरेर आफ्नो फोनको स्पीड बढाउन सक्नुहुनेछ । त्यस्तै मोबाइलमा सीपीयुको उपयोगिता थाहा पाउन तपाई ट्रेपन प्रोफाइलर पनि डाउनलोड गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ । यसको मद्दतले तपाईले कुन एप्लिकेशनले तपाइको फोनलाइ स्लो बनाएको थाहा पाउनुहुनेछ । २– मेमोरीलाई खाली बनाउनुहोस एन्ड्रोइड फोन स्लो हुनुको सबैभन्दा मुख्य कारण हो इन्टर्नल मेमोरी भरिनु। त्यसैले मेमोरी सकेसम्म खाली गर्नुपर्छ। जसको लागि फोनमा रहेका काम नलाग्ने फोटो र फाइलहरु फाइलहरु हटाउनुहोस । एस डी कार्डमा पनि केही स्पेस राख्नुहोस । ३ – एप्लीकेशन डिसएबल गर्नुहोस एन्ड्रोइड फोन निर्माताहरुले फोनसँगै धेरै एप्लीकेशन शुरुमै राखेका हुन्छन् । जस मध्ये हामीले निकै कम एप प्रयोग गर्छौ । यस्तो एपलाइ तपाइ अनस्टल गर्नुहोस तर केही यस्ता एप हुन्छन् जो अनस्टल हुदैनन्, त्यस्तो अबस्थामा तपाई त्यो एपलाई डिसेबल गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ । ४– वाजिट्स डिसेबल गर्नुहोस फोनमा सकेसम्म थोरै वाजिट्स प्रयोग होस । एक पटकमा होम स्क्रीनमा धेरै वाजिट्सको प्रयोगले फोन स्लो हुनसक्छ। ५– नोटिफीकेशन अफ मोड आजभोली धेरैजसो एप्लीकेशन लाइभ अपडेट हुन्छन् । जसको कारण मोवाइलमा नोटीफिकेशन आइरहन्छ । नोटिफिकेशन धेरै भएपछि मोबाइल स्लो हुन जान्छ । एजेन्सी

Wednesday, July 06, 2016


शान्ति  प्रेमी नेपालीको
आज किन यस्तो हाल भो ?
बुद्ध जन्मेको नेपालमा
बुद्धिको किन अनिकाल भो ?
पहरा गर्ने स्वयम्भुको तिनै नेत्र
कहीं बन्दै त भएनन ?
रक्षा गर्ने पशुपतिले शक्ति बोकी
कहि अन्तै त गएनन ?

बुद्धको शान्त अनुहारमा पनि
चिन्ताको रेखा भेट्छु म ।
स्वयम्भुको मौन आँखामा पनि
विवशताको आँशु देख्छु म ।
विशाल हिमालको छातीमा
आजभोलि बिजुली चम्किन्छरे ।
संधै शान्त हुने ती गाउँ बेसिमा
पनि चट्टान थर्किन्छरे ।

मन उदाँश छ,सोच्दै छु
कहीं शाहीदको बलिदान
त्यसै खेर जाने त हैन ?

लुटेरा हरु तयार छन बस्ती लुट्न
कहीं पुर्खाको धरोहर लुटेर लाने त हैन ? 

अनु शाह 
काठमाडौँ  नेपाल हाल Boston MA

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

7th pay commission latest news...

Secy Genl. BPS speech at Lumding on 2.4.2016 on 02.04.2016
Respected Guests, office bearers Govt pensioners welfare organization ,NFRPA, Brothers & Sisters,
I thank you all to have invited me and to be with you this day at Lumding.
Ladies & gentlemen we are all eagerly waiting for the notification implementing 7th CPC recommendations. Presently Implementation cell of the Empowered Committee of Secretaries is examining the grievances of employees and the Pensioners. After giving final touch to report, Empowered Committee will send recommendations to PMO for its nod. Once PMO go through the report, it will be placed before the Cabinet for final approval. The whole process may still take another about one months or so. We are getting information through print media that PMO has forwarded our representations/demands to the Empowered Committee of Secretaries with instructions to adjust genuine demands as far as possible.
Comrades, 7th CPC invited & listened patiently to Bharat Pensioners Samaj more than once. I, as Secy Genl Bharat Pensioners Samaj, got the chance to interact with the comm.3 times..7thCPC has accepted few of our demands in Principle.
So let us today examine what we asked for, what CPC recommended, and the Grievances as well as discrepancies we have referred to ECOS for redressal and the genuineness of our demands & grievances.
1.Stating that pension is always related to Salary, we represented to the pay commission to calculate need base minimum wage ensuring that wide gulf between haves & have lots is reasonably reduced. Pay Comm. after discussion did agree to calculate need base minimum wage for a family of 4 i.e. Husband wife & Two children. However, Pay Comm. without updating the criteria evolved by ILO in 1957 which in turn was based on age old Dr. Wallace Aykroyd formula for an average Indian family of four involved in moderate physical activity considering it as three consumption units — husband: one unit, wife: 0.8 unit and two children below 14 yrs of age: 0.6 units each, calculated the minimum Salary.
Considering the changes which have taken place since 1957 BPS has raised three major issues in this reference .1 Considering wife of the employee as 0.8 unit as compared to husband as 1 unit is gender bias. Today physical & and intellectual activities of the lady of the house are in no way less than her male counterpart. She needs the same rather more nutrients, calories and clothing. No 2. That growing children below 14 yrs. age for their healthy intellectual & physical growth needs much more and better nutrients, Calories, education & clothing compared to 1957. Then how they can betaken as 0.6 unit compared to head of the family. And No3 that Prices of commodities/facilities taken by the pay commission are on lower side compared to actual market prices. Also instead of reducing minimum -maximum paid ratio CPC has increased it.
These factors put together have resulted in calculation of Minimum Salary on lower side and is responsible for increased min-max ratio & lower common multiplication factor, thus minimum Salary needs upward revision.
If this is done common multiplication factor 2.57 which resulted in much less the rise than given by earlier Pay commissions will automatically go up.
2 OROP for all While asking for One Rank One Pension i.e persons retired from same rank, same seniority & equal length of service should get equal pension irrespective of date of retirement. We explained to the 7th CPC that ‘Justice must be equal for all, otherwise, it breeds contempt, discontent, inefficiency, corruption & finally the insurgency. Vast inequality of income and wealth between lowest & the highest paid, violates Article 14 of the Constitution, has already induced contempt, discontent, inefficiency & corruption in Civil services.
Govt. granted One Rank One Pension (OROP) to Armed forces. Judges granted it to themselves. Even aperiod of private practice of lawyer judges is to be counted towards qualifying service. Higher bureaucracy got it through modified parity. All other Central Govt. Pensioners are definitely not the 2nd grade citizens! One Rank One Pension to all retirees is now a constitutional requirement to ensure equality.
7th CPC re-iterating the famous D.S.Nakra case agreed in principle & did recommend 100% parity but the method of implementation & the pay matrix evolved defeats the purpose. Not only that it will not provide full parity for lower & middle level retirees, it will result in juniors drawing more pension than their seniors& give more benefit to direct group ‘A’retirees. Moreover, there are errors in the matrix designed. For example, entry pay for 4800GP in PB 2 is calculated as Rs18175 instead of Rs18750.
We have therefore sought rectification of such discrepancies in pay matrix ensuring that persons retired from same rank, same seniority & equal length of service get equal pension irrespective of date of retirement.
Common Multiplication factor: We had pleaded before the pay provide a common multiplication factor applicable to all, so that everyone get equal % rise.
Pay commission while positively reacting, recommended 2.57 as common multiplication factor by dividing revised minimum Salary by existing min.Salary but in the first place since minimum salary calculated wrongly to keep it on lower side, this factor remained to be low to provide only .32% benefit which is lower than .40% provided by earlier pay panels. And secondly 7th CPC provided from back door a factor of 2.81 to higher ups through the jugglery of Pay matrix. We have therefore sought from the ECOS a common multiplication factor of 2.81 for all.
Downward revision of 100 yrs age for additional pension i.e. additional pension to start from the age of 65 yrs. BPS pleaded before the Pay Panel that in the present scenario of climatic changes, incidence of pesticides in food articles and rising pollution, old age disabilities/diseases set in by the time an employee retires and go on manifesting very fast, needing additional finances to take care of these disabilities and diseases, especially as the cost of health care has gone very high. Grant of 100% additional Pension after 100 years of age is rather illusionary in view of chances of survival up to or beyond age of 100 years being rare.
It is therefore, requested that 10% Additional Pension should be granted every 5 years from the age of 65 to 75 years & thereafter 20% every 5 years from 80 years onwards and 100% at the age of 90yrs. After discussions pay comm. Had agreed to consider granting additional age related Pension from the age of 75 yrs.& above. But alas! Issue was rejected merely because defence ministry did not accept it. We have requested ECOS to revisit the issue stating that in case defence ministry does not agree let the defence pensioners not have it. Why make all others to suffer for the sake of one section?
Fixed medical allowance (FMA): BPS represented that:
M/O Health & Family Welfare spent per card Rs.1369 per month in 2007-2008 for OPD. Adding to it inflation, the figure today is well over Rs 2000/- PM. Ministry of Labour& Employment, Govt. of India vide its letter no. G-25012/2/2011-SSI dated 07.06.2013 has already enhanced FMA to Rs 2000/- PM for EPFO beneficiaries. Thus, to help elderly pensioners to look after their health minimum of Rs 2000/- FMA be granted. Adequate raise in FMA will encourage a good number of pensioners to opt out of OPD facility which will reduce overcrowding in hospitals. OPD through Insurance will cost much more to the Govt.
We suggested that FMA for all C.G. Pensioners be raised to at least Rs 2000/- PM linking it to Dearness Relief for automatic further increase and without any distance restriction as distance restriction is discriminatory to those who do not choose Govt. schemes/hospitals. We further suggested that FMA be exempted from INCOME TAX. Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) is a compensatory allowance to meet day today medical expenses. As Medical Reimbursement is not taxable, FMA should also be exempted from Income Tax.
This demand has been rejected by the Pay Panel on the ground that FMA was recently hiked from Rs 300 to Rs500PM.
We have represented to ECOS to revisit the issue & to accept the demand to raise FMA to Rs 2000/ PM. NCJCM is supporting our demand & we expect some positive result
Medical facilities/Health care:BPS represented That “Health is not a luxury” and “not be the sole possession of a privileged few”.
It is a Fundamental Right of all present & past Employees!
To ensure hassle free health care facility to Pensioners/family pensioners, Smart Cards be issued irrespective of departments, to all Pensioners/Family Pensioners and their Dependents for cashless medical facilities across the country. These smart cards should be valid in :
• all Govt. hospitals
• all NABH accredited Multi Super Specialty hospitals across the country which have been allotted land at concessional rate or are given any aid or concession by the Central or the State govt.
• all CGHS, RELHS & ECHS empaneled hospitals across the country.
Reimbursement of bills for treatment & for hospitalization:
No referral should be insisted in case of medical emergencies. For the purpose of reference for hospitalization & reimbursement of expenditure thereon in other than emergency cases, doctors/Medical officers working in different Central/State Govt. department dispensaries/health units should be recognized as Authorized medical attendant.
The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is recognized as a fundamental right of all workers in terms of Article 21 read with Article 39 A, 41, 43, 48A and all related Articles as pronounced by the Supreme Court in Consumer Education and Research Centre & Others vs Union of India (AIR 1995 Supreme Court 922)
We suggested that, all the pensioners, irrespective of pre-retiral class and status, be treated as same category of citizens and the same homogeneous group. There should be no class or category based discrimination and all must be provided Healthcare services at par. We also requested the commission to recommend to govt. to make preventive health care an essential ingredient of all health care schemes for retired Persons. And that CGHS,RELHS, ECHS & ESI should be pooled together to provide a strong network of healthcare with lager coverage area Hospital Regulatory Authority: To ensure that the hospitals do not avoid providing reasonable care to smart card holders and other poor citizens, a Hospital Regulatory Authority should be created to bring all NABH-accredited hospitals and NABL-accredited diagnostic Labs under its constant monitoring of quality, rates for different procedures & timely bill payments by Govt. agencies and Insurance companies. CGHS rates may be revised periodically keeping in mind the workability as per market conditions.
The7th pay comm. recommends Medical Insurance for all. This of course will be beneficialto all those who are presently not covered by any of the present schemes. But the major issues with Insurance scheme for pensioners’ i.e. (1) Coverage of existing disease (2) OPD facilities (3) Amount of coverage for a family (4) Amountof Premium and its yrly payment need to be resolved before introduction. On pooling of different existing schemes to increase coverage & easy accessibility, Pay Comm. did agree that it will create a very strong network of health carebut has left it to the Govt. to look into. On the issue of Smart card for cashless treatment for all pensioners in all empaneled hospitals 7th pay comm. has not come out with anyrecommendation.
The Pay Panel recommendation regarding withdrawal of discriminatory orders of MOH &FW regarding Postal Pensioners & merging of all postal dispensaries with CGHS is welcomed.
7th pay commission has either rejected for left unaddressed the issues like:
1. Ratio between min & max. paid to be brought back to 1:8.
2. Upward revision ofpension to 67/65% of last drawn.& Family pension 50%of LPD
3 Removal of discrimination with those who retire on 31.12 & 30.06
4. Modification of NPS to ensure Family Pension as per pre 2004 rules & that min pension shall not be less than 50% of last drawn
5. DR merger with pension whenever it goes above 50%
In a scenario wherein Corporates are swallowing 5.3 lac crore through unpaid loans and Legislators are in a spree to hike their own Salaries & Perks.What if our genuine demands/grievance are not addressed?:
Prepare for long drawn struggle?– What are the options?:
1.Legal remedy: it is not a viable solution for pensioners as it takes years & need huge money.
2. Print & Electronic media: Does not high light our issues. Most of the times it involves substantial payments for paid news /Press conferences.
3.Representations/correspondence & meetings with Ministers & Govt.officials are of little use except for resolving individual grievances.
4. Demonstrations Rallies: Will be affective if we are able to pool few thousand pensioners. This will need months of advance preparations, strong contacts, communication and money.
5. Mustering support of Politicians: Will be helpful. However, this will come if we have large following & good contacts as they always eyeyour vote strength.
6. Social media: Is very strong & effective platform we already have a large audience of over 22 lac consisting of Elderly, younger people, politicians, Ministers, MPs, Govt. officers& professionals. In short persons from all walks of life. Over 12 lacs of pensioners are computer savvy who can play very important role.
7.Pensioners Own media:i.ePeriodical magazines/newsletters, websites blogs, Facebook Pages,Twitter handles.You Tube Channels: Can prove to be very effective for creating awareness, dissemination of information and motivation.
8. Join hands with Trade unions /confederations /Associations of employees: For them Pensioners issues are the last priority for them. Recently while trimming down their demands,they have dropped down all the issues of Pensioners except that of FMA
Ladies & Gentlemen,
As far back as 1955 Retired Justice late Sh.Shankar Saran of Allahabad high court, dreamed of giving a strong voice to pensioners community through consolidation. He dreamed of developing systems to enable pensioners of the country to act as one family with mutual confidence, support and growing interdependence. With this dream he founded Bharat Pensioners Samaj in 1955 which has today grown into the largest Federation of Pensioners Associations with over 7 lac members through over 650 Affiliates & Associates.
Moving forward through the decades with this dream of the founder, BPS took on its shoulders the responsibility of Welfare of Pensioners Community.
After years of welfare work for the Pensioners community BPS evolved 4 ‘C’ action plan for the final fulfillment of the dream i.e
4 C action plan, The prerequisites for 4C action plan
1) Collection of Pensioners Contact details i.e. Mob. Phone Nos &email addresses,2) Identification of issues 3). Motivation 4). Designing & launching a campaign
The four “C” action Plan
1. Communicate: World has changed & is constantly changing we too need to change ourselves. Even developed countries have realized that moving alone is not possible anymore and have started communicating with other countries. Same is true for pensioner’s organizations instead of wasting time & energy in raising new or reviving dormant organizations we need to form strong conglomerate of existing live Federations and Associations. As main aspirations i.e. Financial, Social security & healthcare are common, this is possible. To achieve it communication is the basic tool. So communicate amongst yourself, with your members, affiliates, associates, MOU partners, with Civil Society, National / local leaders, with Media and with the employees retiring in next six months. Spread awareness about, what pensioners did for the country & are still doing for the civil Society. Apprise Civil Society about their service conditions, entitlements as per Constitution, Supreme court pronouncements. Empower Pensioners & Pensioners to be with information, knowledge & network to interconnect. Aggressively use Social Media & modern digital technology to interact among yourself & with the civil society to enable them to understand pensioners/family pensioners issues & the deficient areas.
2. Coordinate: Coordinate not only to seek govt. support in deficient areas but to develop systems which may enable all of us to act as one family with mutual confidence, support and growing interdependence. Comrades, if we have to survive with dignity then such should be our system of mutual confidence, interdependence & coordination that none of us feel lonely & helpless.
Share information, technology and resources with Affiliates/Associates MOU partners/sister organizations & members. Coordinate and provide support to members, affiliates and associate associations. Coordinate & stand shoulder to shoulder with the administration & fellow citizens during National emergencies and natural calamities. Launch and participate in welfare activities such as organ donation for the good of civil society.
3.Consolidate: Inspire more & more pensioners/Associations/Federations to come together. Strive to bring all C.G; State, PSU, EPS95 & statuary body pensioners/family pensioners together. Inspire sister organizations sign MOUs to jointly & severally struggle for resolving common issues. BPS, AIFPA, NFRP Palghat & AISCCON have been successfully wkg with such an agreement. I invite other like minded pensioner’s organizations to join. BPS today has over 22 lac audience on Social media platform, let us utilize the facility for pensioners’ cause. We have thrown it open to all likeminded organizations. Add more & more, friends, viewers & followers on Social media pages. Share pensioner’s related posts as much as possible. Twit & retweet pensioners/ sr citizen issues issue Due to age & ailments, traditional agitational methods like Dharnas, Demonstrations etc are losing sheen for pensioners. Let us blend old & new techniques, strengthen presence to highlight pensioner’s issues & deficient areas. Streamline & inter- link available resources like publications, websites, Blogs, Groups, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc. BPS has launched a pilot project ‘PENSIONERS OWN MEDIA’ under which publications of like minded Pensioners organizations who willingly provide us their publications in pdf format up-to 5MB are being uploaded on BPS website, Blog, Face book, Twitter & BPS 1955 yahoo group.BPS ‘Bharat Pensioner'(monthly publication) has circulation of over 64000 pdf copies through Social media & email.
4.Contribute: Contribute whatever you can, your ideas, knowledge,experiences, efforts & of course money to make the project succeed.
Let us make best use of modern technology /opportunities combined with traditional methods to consolidate ‘Elderly Vote Power’, the ultimate weapon & panacea for all our ills.
Comrades, we are not a helpless, useless or a tired lot. Neither we are a liability to the society or a burden on the exchequer. We are an asset for the civil society & the Govt.
We can still turn the TIDES. With ‘elderly vote power’ we have the ability to change Govt. Even in our death we have the capacity to give life to 5 persons (by organ donation) We may not live to see the end results but it is our responsibility to give correct direction & a road map to pensioners of tomorrow.
Today I call upon the entire fraternity of Sr Citizens to unite& move forward.
Jai hind, Jai Bharat.
Er. S.C. Maheswari
Secy. Genl. Bharat Pensioners Samaj

Saturday, April 02, 2016

sangam sahakari

हाम्रो बारे

सहकारीको र्सवमान्य सिद्धान्त, मुल्य र मान्यतालाइ शिरोपर गर्दै, विभिन्न धर्म, संस्कृति, जातजाती, पेशा तथा व्यवसायमा आवद्ध व्यक्ति एवं समुदायहरुलाइ ऐक्यवद्ध गर्दै,स्वबलम्बी, मितव्ययी र आत्मनिर्भर बनाउन नियमीत रुपले बचत गर्ने बानीको बिकास गर्न, संकलित बचतलाइ उत्पादनशील क्षेत्रमा लगानी गर्न सदस्यहरुलाइ प्रेरीत गर्दै शेयर सदस्य महानुभावहरुलँइ समाज र समुदायमा सरल र सहज तरिकाले आधुनिक र व्यवस्थीत जीवनयापनमा सहयोग पुर्‍याउने उद्धेश्यले 2064  संगम बचत तथा ऋण सहकारी संस्था लि. को स्थापना गरिएको हो । संगम बचत तथा ऋण सहकारी संस्था लिमिटेड एक प्रारम्भिक तहको एकल उद्धेश्यीय - बचत तथा ऋण कारोबार गर्ने ) सहकारी संस्था हो । यसले सहकारी सिद्धान्त एवं अन्तराष्ट्रिय बचत तथा ऋण संघका सिद्धान्तहरु पालना गर्दै आफ्ना शेयर सदस्यहरुबीच बचत संकलन गर्ने, बचतमा निश्चीत व्याज प्रदान गर्ने तथा सुलभ व्याजदरमा कर्जा लगानी गर्ने काम गर्दछ । "बचत नै विकासको पहिलो पाइला" हो भन्ने मान्यतालाइ आत्मसाथ गर्दै पूर्ण प्रजातान्त्रिक मोडेल र व्यवहार बाट अभिप्रेति भई यो संस्था सञ्चालीत भएको छ । परिकल्पना (VISION)
"सदस्यहरु बिच सहकार्य र प्रजातान्त्रीक व्यवहार, सुखी र सम्पन्न समुदाय निर्माणको आधार ।"
ध्येय (MISSION)
आर्थिक सक्षमता, सहकारी सिद्धान्त र यसको व्यवहारीक प्रयोगबाट दिगो विकास, आर्थिक भेदभावरहित सामाजीक न्यायको संस्थागत विकास । स्थानीय आन्तरीक स्रोत र साधनको अधिकतम् प्रयोग तथा व्यवस्थीत परिचालन सहित भौतिक एवं मानवीय अत्यावश्यक पूर्वाधारहरुको विकास गरी सामाजिक, आर्थिक न्याय एवं एकतामा जोड ।
लक्ष्य (GOALS)
गरीवी समस्या होइन, अवस्था हो । सहकारीको भावना र मर्मलाइ आत्मसाथ गर्दै पूजी निर्माण र त्यसको परिचालन एवं रोजगारीमा निम्न आय स्तर भएकाहरुको पहुंच पुर्‍याउने र गरीवीको यो विकराल अवस्थालाई न्युनिकरण गर्दै निवारण गर्नमा व्यवस्थीत रुपमा सहयोग पुर्‍याउनु यो संस्थाको प्रमुख लक्ष्य रहेको छ ।
उद्धेश्य (OBECTIVES)
मुख्यतयाः वैक तथा वित्तिय संस्थाहरुसम्म पहुच नहुने तर आर्थिक अवस्था सुधारमा प्रयास गरीरहने समुदायको बिच स-साना बचत रकमलाइ संकलन गरी सामुहिक पुजीको स्थापना गरी सदस्यहरुको आर्थिक र सामाजीक अवस्थामा सुधार गर्दै समाजमा आर्थिक विभेदको अन्त्य र सामाजीक न्यायको स्थापना गर्नु यस संस्थाको मुख्य उद्धेश्य रहेको छ ।
  • सदस्यहरुमा छरिएर रहेका श्रम, सीप, साधन र पूजीलाइ एकत्रित गरी सदस्यरुलाइ आय आर्जनको क्षेत्रमा लगानी गर्न प्रोत्साहीत गर्ने ।
  • सदस्यहरुको आवश्यकतालाइ ध्यानमा राखि विविध किसिमका योजनाहरुको प्रबर्द्धन गर्नुका साथै विभिन्न तह र स्तरका सहकारी र गैरसहकारी संघ संस्थाहरु संग समन्वय गर्दै सदस्यहरु विच वित्तिय सेवा र सुविधाहरु विस्तार गर्दै जाने ।
  • बढ्दो बेरोजगारीलाइ न्युनीकरण गर्न शेयरधनी महानुभावहरुलाइ बैदेशीक रोजगारीको लागी कर्जा प्रदान गर्ने ।
  • सदस्य एवं सदस्यका परिवार तथा नुवाकोट जिल्लाबासीले विदेशमा बसी गरेको कमाइ सजीलै प्राप्त गराउन सकियोस् भनि "संगम मनि ट्रान्सफर" मार्फ सेवा प्रदान गर्ने ।
  • शेयर पूजी बृद्धि गर्ने ।
  • भौतिक पूर्वाधार र मानवीय स्रोत विकास गर्ने ।
  • लगानीमा विविधता
  • सर्म्पर्क समन्वय र विकास
  • सामाजीक सुरक्षा

Friday, March 20, 2015

तपाईँले आज सपनामा के देख्नु भो?

   सपना त हामी सबैले देख्ने गरेकै छौ, तर तपाईलाई थाहा छ हामीले देखेको सपना अनुसार त्यसको अलग अलग फल पाईन्छ भन्ने धार्मिक मान्यता रहिआएको छ। हाम्रा परम्परागत मान्यता अनुसार हामीले देखेका केही सपनाले राम्रो फल दिन्छन भने केही सपनाले नराम्रो फल पनि दिन्छन्। तपाईले देख्नु भएको सपनाले कस्तो फल दिन्छन्, तलको तालिका हेरेर पत्ता लगाउनुहोस... 

आकाशमा मास्तिर उड्नुटाढा-टाढाको यात्रा गरिन्छ, जसले लाभ हुन्छ ।
आकाशमा उड्नुलाभ हुन्छ ।
आकाशबाट झर्नुसमाजमा बेइज्जती हुन्छ ।
आकाश देख्नुप्रतिष्ठा मिल्छ, सरकारबाट धेरै धन प्राप्त हुन्छ ।
आकाशमा बादल देख्नुसरकारको कृपा हुन्छ, व्यवसायमा वृद्धि हुन्छ ।
पानी पर्नुबिरामी पर्ने या जाल फरेबमा फसिने सूचना हो ।
पानी एकै ठाउँ परिरहनुपरमात्माको कृपाले अन्न सस्तो हुने सूचना हो ।
बिजुलीका साथ पानी परेको देख्नुबिरामी भए निको होइन्छ, ऋण भए फच्चे हुन्छ ।
जमीनसम्म देख्नुदौलत मिल्छ ।
जमीनमा जोतेको, छरेको, रोपेको देख्नुसंसारका हरेक काम पूरा हुन्छ । जीवन आरामले बित्छ ।
आकाशका धूलो वा आँधी देख्नुत्यस देशमा लडाइँ वा तूफान हुने सूचना हो ।
बिजुली देख्नुमालदार हुइन्छ ।
जमीनमा मिल्नुवरवाद होइन्छ, फरेबमा फसिन्छ ।
जङ्गलमा हिँड्नुधार्मिक उन्नति गर्छ, आफ्नु धर्ममा जीवनभर रहन्छ ।
जङ्गलमा खानु पिउनुधेरै धन मिल्छ या धन प्राप्त गर्न परिश्रम गर्छ ।
माटो खानुधेरै धन मिल्छ, अथवा बेइज्जत हुन्छ ।
माटोमा हिँड्नुधनी होइन्छ ।
ईनार खन्नुआम्दानीको वृद्धि हुन्छ या व्यापारबाट लाभ हुन्छ, दुनियाँले तिमीबाट लाभ पाउँछ ।
इनारबाट सिँचाइ गर्नुआफ्नु धनबाट केही परमात्माको काममा पर र्सार्छ, दीन-दुःखीलाई मद्दत गर्छ ।
इनारबाट पानी निकालेर कुनै रुखमाहाल्नुदीन वा दुःखीहरुको सेवा गर्छ ।
इनारबाट पानी पियाउनुसाधु वा महात्माको सेवा गर्छ ।
इनारबाट पानी निकाल्नुआम्दानीमा वृद्धि हुन्छ ।
इनारमा झर्नुमुसीबतमा फसिन्छ, शोक वा सन्तापमा परिन्छ ।
इनारबाट निस्कनुजिन्दगी आसानीसँग बित्छ या हरेक ठाउँमा सफलता प्राप्त हुन्छ ।
पानीमा हिँड्नुकुनै राजालाई प्रशन्न पार्छ, अन्धाधुन्ध उन्नति गर्छ ।
खोलामा बाढी देख्नुरीस या मुसीबतको सूचना हो ।
नदीमा अँध्यारो देख्नुपरेशान हुइन्छ, पागल बनिन्छ, शोक पर्छ ।
सोतो तर्नुमरण नजीकिएको निशानी हो ।
नदी या कुलोमा नुहाउनुकुनै खुसीको कुरो हुन्छ, बिरामी निको हुन्छ, पाप कर्म छोडिदिन्छ ।
भुसमा भासिनुमुसीवत या शोकमा फस्नुपर्ने सूचना हो ।
कुलाको फोहोर पानी पिउनुकुनै रोगमा फस्ने सूचना हो ।
कुलोलाई अर्कातिर बगाउनुशोक वा मुसीबत हटेर खुसी हुइन्छ ।
हौज देख्नुकुशल जीवन व्यतीत हुन्छ वा नोकरी वा व्यवसायमा लाभ हुन्छ ।
नाउ देख्नुशोक वा दुःखबाट छुट्छ । राजाको आज्ञाको दण्डबाट छुट्छ ।
नाउमा चढेको देख्नुराजाज्ञाको अपराधमा गिरफ्तार हुन्छ, थोरै दिनपछि छुट्छ ।
नाउबाट सुखा भुइँमा उत्रनुदुश्मन विजय प्राप्त हुन्छ, अगाध दौलत मिल्छ ।
नाउलाई सुखा मैदानमा देख्नुमुसीबत आउँछ, भारी शोकमा प्राप्त हुइन्छ ।
जमीनमा केही बनाउनुअसल दिलको हुइन्छ ।
ताराको चमक देख्नुराजाको कृपाले लाभ हुन्छ, परिवार बढ्छ ।
तारा समूहलाई अति चम्किलो देख्नुदेश धनी हुन्छ, देशको शासनव्यवस्था राम्रो हुन्छ; संसारमा त्यो देशको प्रतिष्ठा बढ्छ ।
तारा निल्नुचोरी गर्छ र तकलीफमा फस्छ ।
तारालाई हातमा लिनुगुणवान् छोरी जन्मिन्छे या कसैबाट लाभ हुन्छ ।
नाउसहित आफूलाई डुबेको देख्नुराजाज्ञाको अपराधमा गिरफ्तार भएर कैद हुइन्छ ।
पहाड देख्नुशत्रुमाथि विजय प्राप्त हुन्छ ।
पहाडमा हिँड्नुइज्जत मिल्छ, धेरै धन पाइन्छ ।
पहाडको मालिक हुनुकुन ठूलो व्यक्तिको मालिक हुइन्छ या आफ्नु शत्रुलाई परास्त गरेर वशमा बसाइन्छ ।
पहाडमा लडेको देख्नुकसैलाई हैरान पार्छ या कुनै दुष्टलाई नाश गर्छ ।
पहाडमा बाटो हिँडिरहेको देख्नुधैर्यवान् वा साहसी हुइन्छ ।
पहाडमा प्वाल पार्नुकसैसँग जालसाँजो गरिन्छ ।
पहाडमा चढ्नुअगाध उन्नति हुन्छ । दौलत हात लाग्ने निशानी हो ।
फूल देख्नुप्रेमी/प्रेमिका मिलन
पान खानुस्त्री प्रसङ्ग (यौनसम्बन्ध) हुने
पिँजडा देख्नुजेल-नेल पर्ने ।
हरियो वन देख्नुशुभ समाचार मिल्ने ।
सुख्खा वन देख्नुचिन्ता हुने ।
चन्द्रमाप्रतिष्ठा मिल्ने ।
ग्रहणआपत पर्ने ।
खाना बनाउनुसन्तान बिरामी हुने ।
सुन पाउनुधन जाने, हानी हुने ।
र्सप मार्नुकष्टबाट छुटकरा पाउने
हस्ताक्षर गर्नुधनहानि हुनु ।
बिरालोले टोक्नुदर्घटना पर्ने तर बच्ने ।

राम्रा सपना अन्नबाली, घोडचढी,कमलको फुल,गोरु, गाइ, गुरु, सेतो रंगको फुल, दही, चामल, चादीका भाडा, हात्ती, राजा महाराजा, सिहासन, फल, सेतो बस्तुवा पदार्थ, कपास, मिठाइ, देबताको प्रतिमा वा मुर्ति,बिद्धान बाहुन, सधवा आइमाइ, ध्वजा, समुन्द्र स्नान, गंगाको स्नान, तारा, चन्द्रमा, देवता, मन्दिर, गित संगीत, पर्बतारोहण, फलेकोबृक्ष, फुलेको फुल, केटाकेटी, हतियार प्राप्ती, शरीरमा तेज आउनु, पुस्तक रचना वा अध्ययन, सन्त महात्मा, दुध खानु,फल खानु,सर्प, लास वा लास लादै गरेको, स्वर्गका अप्सरा, गायनकला, भाषण, बन्धनबाट छुटेको, भरीएको भाडो, तोरण, रुदैगरेको ब्यक्ति

नराम्रा सपना आगो, जल्दैगरेको चिता, खाली भाडा, दात भाचिनु, कपाल झर्नु,रातो वा कालो कपडा, गुलीयो बस्तुखानु, काडा,शत्रु, राक्षस, भैसी, रागो, बादर, हतियार, सुकेको बृक्ष बस्तु,खरानी, फासीमा झुण्डाएको,हावामा उडेको,बाढी, मान इज्यतमा कमी आउनु, अपमानीत हुनु, सर्पहरुसग खेल्नु,ग्रहण लाग्नु, उल्लु, आधी तुफान, जलमग्न हुनु, डुबेको देख्नु, पानी नभएको पोखरी, तलाउ,इनार, खोला, चोर्नु, नकाब मकुण्डो, भुतप्रेत, पहिरो, पुल, तार चुट्नु, स्त्री वा पुरुषसग जर्बजस्ति गर्नु, शरिरमा हिलो लाग्नु, एकान्त बनमा एक्लै हुनु, पसिनाले भिज्नु, प्रिय ब्यतिको मृत्युको खबर सुन्नु, होहल्ला, बिबाह भएको, बिवाह मण्डब घुमेको

  • तपाईँले आज सपनामा के देख्नु भो? सपनामा देखेको कुरा बिपनामा यस्तो हुन सक्छ। गुरु केदार बराल
    कस्तो सपना देखेमा कस्तो फल मिल्छ भन्ने वारेमा गुरु केदार बरालको संकलन
    सपना फल
    आकाशमा मास्तिर उड्नु टाढा-टाढाको यात्रा गरिन्छ, जसले लाभ हुन्छ ।
    आकाशमा उड्नु लाभ हुन्छ ।
    आकाशबाट झर्नु समाजमा बेइज्जती हुन्छ ।
    आकाश देख्नु प्रतिष्ठा मिल्छ, सरकारबाट धेरै धन प्राप्त हुन्छ ।
    आकाशमा बादल देख्नु सरकारको कृपा हुन्छ, व्यवसायमा वृद्धि हुन्छ ।
    पानी पर्नु बिरामी पर्ने या जाल फरेबमा फसिने सूचना हो ।
    पानी एकै ठाउँ परिरहनु परमात्माको कृपाले अन्न सस्तो हुने सूचना हो ।
    बिजुलीका साथ पानी परेको देख्नु बिरामी भए निको होइन्छ, ऋण भए फच्चे हुन्छ ।
    जमीनसम्म देख्नु दौलत मिल्छ ।
    जमीनमा जोतेको, छरेको, रोपेको देख्नु संसारका हरेक काम पूरा हुन्छ । जीवन आरामले बित्छ ।
    आकाशका धूलो वा आँधी देख्नु त्यस देशमा लडाइँ वा तूफान हुने सूचना हो ।
    बिजुली देख्नु मालदार हुइन्छ ।
    जमीनमा मिल्नु वरवाद होइन्छ, फरेबमा फसिन्छ ।
    जङ्गलमा हिँड्नु धार्मिक उन्नति गर्छ, आफ्नु धर्ममा जीवनभर रहन्छ ।
    जङ्गलमा खानु पिउनु धेरै धन मिल्छ या धन प्राप्त गर्न परिश्रम गर्छ ।
    माटो खानु धेरै धन मिल्छ, अथवा बेइज्जत हुन्छ ।
    माटोमा हिँड्नु धनी होइन्छ ।
    ईनार खन्नु आम्दानीको वृद्धि हुन्छ या व्यापारबाट लाभ हुन्छ, दुनियाँले तिमीबाट लाभ पाउँछ ।
    इनारबाट सिँचाइ गर्नु आफ्नु धनबाट केही परमात्माको काममा पर र्सार्छ, दीन-दुःखीलाई मद्दत गर्छ ।
    इनारबाट पानी निकालेर कुनै रुखमा हाल्नु दीन वा दुःखीहरुको सेवा गर्छ ।
    इनारबाट पानी पियाउनु साधु वा महात्माको सेवा गर्छ ।
    इनारबाट पानी निकाल्नु आम्दानीमा वृद्धि हुन्छ ।
    इनारमा झर्नु मुसीबतमा फसिन्छ, शोक वा सन्तापमा परिन्छ ।
    इनारबाट निस्कनु जिन्दगी आसानीसँग बित्छ या हरेक ठाउँमा सफलता प्राप्त हुन्छ ।
    पानीमा हिँड्नु कुनै राजालाई प्रशन्न पार्छ, अन्धाधुन्ध उन्नति गर्छ ।
    खोलामा बाढी देख्नु रीस या मुसीबतको सूचना हो ।
    नदीमा अँध्यारो देख्नु परेशान हुइन्छ, पागल बनिन्छ, शोक पर्छ ।
    सोतो तर्नु मरण नजीकिएको निशानी हो ।
    नदी या कुलोमा नुहाउनु कुनै खुसीको कुरो हुन्छ, बिरामी निको हुन्छ, पाप कर्म छोडिदिन्छ ।
    भुसमा भासिनु मुसीवत या शोकमा फस्नुपर्ने सूचना हो ।
    कुलाको फोहोर पानी पिउनु कुनै रोगमा फस्ने सूचना हो ।
    कुलोलाई अर्कातिर बगाउनु शोक वा मुसीबत हटेर खुसी हुइन्छ ।
    हौज देख्नु कुशल जीवन व्यतीत हुन्छ वा नोकरी वा व्यवसायमा लाभ हुन्छ ।
    नाउ देख्नु शोक वा दुःखबाट छुट्छ । राजाको आज्ञाको दण्डबाट छुट्छ ।
    नाउमा चढेको देख्नु राजाज्ञाको अपराधमा गिरफ्तार हुन्छ, थोरै दिनपछि छुट्छ ।
    नाउबाट सुखा भुइँमा उत्रनु दुश्मन विजय प्राप्त हुन्छ, अगाध दौलत मिल्छ ।
    नाउलाई सुखा मैदानमा देख्नु मुसीबत आउँछ, भारी शोकमा प्राप्त हुइन्छ ।
    जमीनमा केही बनाउनु असल दिलको हुइन्छ ।
    ताराको चमक देख्नु राजाको कृपाले लाभ हुन्छ, परिवार बढ्छ ।
    तारा समूहलाई अति चम्किलो देख्नु देश धनी हुन्छ, देशको शासनव्यवस्था राम्रो हुन्छ; संसारमा त्यो देशको प्रतिष्ठा बढ्छ ।
    तारा निल्नु चोरी गर्छ र तकलीफमा फस्छ ।
    तारालाई हातमा लिनु गुणवान् छोरी जन्मिन्छे या कसैबाट लाभ हुन्छ ।
    नाउसहित आफूलाई डुबेको देख्नु राजाज्ञाको अपराधमा गिरफ्तार भएर कैद हुइन्छ ।
    पहाड देख्नु शत्रुमाथि विजय प्राप्त हुन्छ ।
    पहाडमा हिँड्नु इज्जत मिल्छ, धेरै धन पाइन्छ ।
    पहाडको मालिक हुनु कुन ठूलो व्यक्तिको मालिक हुइन्छ या आफ्नु शत्रुलाई परास्त गरेर वशमा बसाइन्छ ।
    पहाडमा लडेको देख्नु कसैलाई हैरान पार्छ या कुनै दुष्टलाई नाश गर्छ ।
    पहाडमा बाटो हिँडिरहेको देख्नु धैर्यवान् वा साहसी हुइन्छ ।
    पहाडमा प्वाल पार्नु कसैसँग जालसाँजो गरिन्छ ।
    पहाडमा चढ्नु अगाध उन्नति हुन्छ । दौलत हात लाग्ने निशानी हो ।
    फूल देख्नु प्रेमी/प्रेमिका मिलन
    पान खानु स्त्री प्रसङ्ग (यौनसम्बन्ध) हुने
    पिँजडा देख्नु जेल-नेल पर्ने ।
    हरियो वन देख्नु शुभ समाचार मिल्ने ।
    सुख्खा वन देख्नु चिन्ता हुने ।
    चन्द्रमा प्रतिष्ठा मिल्ने ।
    ग्रहण आपत पर्ने ।
    खाना बनाउनु सन्तान बिरामी हुने ।
    सुन पाउनु धन जाने, हानी हुने ।
    र्सप मार्नु कष्टबाट छुटकरा पाउने
    हस्ताक्षर गर्नु धनहानि हुनु ।
    बिरालोले टोक्नु दर्घटना पर्ने तर

Thursday, February 19, 2015

my pen drive or sd card opens but doesn't show the data inside it.

1. if your pen drive or sd card open and not shown data then you can do the following to 
Make sure all files and folder are not hidden in your pen drive or sd card. to do this do the following. Check if the files are not in hidden mode 

Click on "Start" -->Run --> Type cmd and press Enter. 
Here I assume your pendrive drive letter as G: 

Enter this command. 
c:>dir/ah   ( to see all hidden files)
C:>attrib -h -r -s /s /d g:\*.* --> Press Enter (to unhide all files)

You can copy the above command --> Right-click in the Command Prompt and 
 and check your files.

2. Second Method :
-  Insert your SD Card or Pendrive in to system
- copy the address
- open the chrome and pest the address in url bar
- now your good to go
- click and hold the file you want to recover and drag it into the location you want to recover.
- Now you can recover your files

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

"रुपकी रानी रुपा" (मनोवाद यौन कथा)

"रुपकी रानी रुपा" (मनोवाद यौन कथा)

बिमल कुमार, यस्तै करिब ३५ बर्षको बिबाहित पुरुष हो, ऊ काठमाडौँको एक प्रतिष्ठित कम्पनीमा जागिर खाईरहेको छ | उसको कम्पनीमा पनि ऊ निकै इमान्दार अनि मेहनेती अनि अलि गम्भीर स्वभाबको मान्छे भनेर चिनिएको छ | सधै अफिसमा कामको चपेटा अनि हाकिमको थोर बहुत गालि र अफिस कै साथीहरुले काममा डाहा गरेको देखेर ऊ निराश हुन्छ कहिले कही | एकतिर कामको टेन्सन त्यो माथि संगै काम गर्ने साथीहरुले इर्श्याले गर्दा झन नराम्रो अनुभब गर्छ बिमल कुमारले | उसको श्रीमती घरमा नै बस्छे | यस्तै ऊ भन्दा २ बर्ष कान्छी होलिन् श्रीमान भन्दा,तरुनी उमेरमा निकै राम्री थिइन | तर घरमा नै बसेर होला अहिले अलि निकै मोटी भएकी छिन र तिनी आफ्नो शरीरको त्यति ख्याल गर्दीनन् | एउटा छोरालाइ हेरविचार अनि स्कूल पठाउने अनि घरको सबै कामहरु तिनी सम्हाल्छिन |
बिमल कुमार आज अलि थाकेको महसुस गर्दै ५ बजे तिर घर फर्कियो | घरमा श्रीमती छोरा साझको तरकारी किन्न तल तिरको अलि टाढा पसलमा गएका रहेछन | ऊ खुइय्य गर्दै कोठामा पसेर सोफामा बस्न पुग्छ | कामको बोझले थाकेकोले होला केहि बेर सोफामा शरीर छोडी दिन्छ |
बिमल कुमारको अनुहारमा चमक छ आज, ऊ त्यो पल्लो घरको भाडामा बस्ने भिम नारायणको छोरी रुपासंग न्युरोड तिर हिड्दैछ | रुपा १२ क्लासमा पढ्दै छे, तिनी गोरी अनि निकै राम्री छे साथै पढाईमा पनि ठिक ठिकै छे | रुपा निकै चुलबुले अनि कुनै पनि केटाहरुलाई आकर्षित गर्न सक्ने खाल कि केटी हुन्, तिनको बोल्ने हाउभाउ अनि आँखाको नजर त्यस्तै छ | जो कोहि पनि एक पटक रुपासंग बोल्न हिड्न पाएमा तरंगित हुने गर्छ, मतलब रुपामा यौन आकर्षण छ |
बिमल कुमार र रुपा न्युरोड कै एक रेस्टुराँमा पस्छन, रुपाले मिनी स्कर्ट त्यस माथि अलि पातलो खालको सेतो शर्ट लगाएकी छे, कलेज ड्रेसमा नै छे | घरीघरी बोल्ने हास्ने क्रममा तिनको पुष्ठ नितम्बको आकृति शर्टमा स्पस्ट देखिने गर्छ, यो बेला बिमल कुमार केहि अप्ठ्यारो महसुस गरे जस्तो गरी लुकेर हेर्ने गर्छ | रुपाको मिनी स्कर्ट पनि अलि छोटो भएकोले न्युरोड बाटोमा आउदा देखि नै बिमल कुमारले घरि घरि घुडा माथिको मुलायम तिघ्रा हेर्दै थियो तर धित मरेको थिएन |
बिमल दाई "मलाई के खुवाउने आज?" त्यसै त बिद्यार्थी जीवन, सधै पैसाको खाचो, रुपा आज खुशी छे | त्यही माथि अफिस गर्ने बिमल दाईले रेस्टुराँमा खुवाउन लगे पछि |"अनि के खान्छौ तिमी जे जे मन पर्छ अर्डर गर न" बिमल कुमार रुपालाई आस्वस्त पार्दै भन्छ | ऊ निकै रोमान्चित भएको छ रुपालाई आफ्नो नजिक पाएकोमा | सायद उसको युवा उमेरमा यस्तो अनुभब लिन पाएन होला त्यसैले | हुन पनि त्यो बेला बिमल कुमार पढाई बाहेक अरु कुरा सोच्ने गरेन, भनौ उसको साथी संगी त्यस्ता थिएनन र वातावरण नै बनेन | अर्को कुरा घरमा बुवाको अनुशासित भएर हिडडुल गर्नु भन्ने निकै कडा नियमले गर्दा त्यो सम्भब नै भएन बिमल कुमारको लागि |
रुपाले बफ म:म अनि एउटा कोक अर्डर गरी र बिमलले थुक्पा साथै कोक नै अर्डर गरे |"अनि रुपा तिम्रो पढाई के कस्तो हुदै छ" कुराकानीलाई अगाडी बढाउने क्रममा बिमलले सोध्यो, "के हुनु दाई, यस्तै हो कलेज गयो आयो खोइ किन हो, त्यति पढाईमा मनै जादैन" | हुन पनि त्यो १८ बर्षको टिन एज, काठमाडौँ जस्तो रमझम भएको सहरमा राम्रो कपडा लगाऊ, मिठो खाउ, मोज गरौ भावना हुनु स्वाभाविक थियो रुपालाई | फेरी तिनको घरको स्थिति पनि खासै राम्रो छैन बडो मुस्किलले रुपाको पढाई खर्च धान्दै छ तिनको बुवाले |"हेर! रुपा हामी मानिसले पढ्नु पर्छ, भोलि केहि सुख पाउनलाई दु:ख त हुन्छ नै शुरुमा,आतिनु हुदैन है" भन्दै सम्झाउन खोज्छ |"आ बिमल दाई पनि, म कहा आतिएको छु र ...के गर्नु आफुलाई यहा साथीहरुसंग हिड्न पनि अप्ठ्यारो हुन्छ,साथीहरु हरेक महिना नया लुगा लगाउछन,आफु भने यस्तै हो,भनेको लुगा लगाउन पाए त म राम्ररी पढी हाल्छु नि" | एकै पटकमा त्यो लामो कुरा गरी रुपाले,त्यतिकै बेला कोक ल्याई दिए साहुजीले | बिमल कुमारले ल कोक पिउ है भन्दै, एक चुस्की लगाए उनी आफैले पनि |
रेस्टुराँमा टेबल अनि कुर्सि सागुरो थियो,रुपाले त्यहा कुर्सिमा गोडा अलिकति फाटेर बसेकी थिइन् | अचानक बिमलले रुपाको घुडा माथिको चिल्लो तिघ्रा नियाल्न पुग्यो, उसलाई रोमान्चित बनायो |फेरी हेर्ने मनशाय त थियो तर लुकी लुकी हेर्नु एक त दाईको नाताले अप्ठ्यारो थियो | तापनि छोरा मान्छे न हो त्यसै पुरुष बर्गमा नै पर्यो बिमल कुमार, संसारमा यौनमा कोहि पनि प्राणी अछुतो छैनन् |यहि बीचमा म:म र थुक्पा पनि ल्याई दिए साहुजीले, अझै पुगेन भने फेरी पनि मगाउ है भन्दै बिमल कुमारले खान शुरु गरे |
थुक्पा खादै पनि बिमल कुमार घरिघरि रुपाको बक्षस्थल नियाल्दै थियो | हुन पनि रुपाको नितम्ब निकै ठाडो ठाडो थियो र त्यो लगाएको शर्टमा प्रष्ट देखिन्थ्यो |यो उमेरमा अहिलेका टिन एजका केटीहरु पनि केटाहरु आफुतिर आकर्षित होस् भनेर अलि खुला शर्ट या टाइट टि शर्ट लगाएर हिडेको सबैलाइ सर्बविदित नै छ |यसमा रुपा पनि के कम,राम्री देखिनु अनि केटाहरुले हाइ सेक्सी भनेको मन पर्न थालेको थियो तिनलाई | बाहिर रिसाए जस्तो गरे पनि केटाहरुले सेक्सी भन्दा खेरि,कति केटीहरु भित्र मन मनमा खुशी भएको आभाष पाइन्छ नै | बिमल कुमार पनि के कम, रुपासंग कुनै नजिकको नाता सम्बन्ध थिएन | यदि रुपाले चाहेमा उनीहरु बीच यौन सम्बन्ध हुन पनि कुनै बाधा हुदैनथ्यो |तर ऊ बिबाहित अनि ५ बर्षे छोराको बाउ थियो | आज किन किन ऊ रुपालाई पाएर खुब रमाई रहेको छ |मानौ भर्खर उमेर कि रुपालाई पाएर अर्कै संसारमा बिमल कुमार रोमान्चित भैरहेकोछ, लाग्छ भर्खर माया प्रिती गास्दै छ रुपासंग |
अनि दुवै जनाले म:म अनि थुक्पा खाइसके बिमल कुमारले भन्यो "रुपा आज जय नेपाल हलमा रोमान्टिक हिरो शाहरुख खानको "दिल तो पागल हाइ" चलिरहेको छ, हेर्न जाने हो?" रुपाले यसो टाउको कन्याएर भनिन् " बिमल दाई म संग पैसा नै छैन अनि" |"रुपा तिमी चिन्ता नगर, म तिरी हाल्छु नि" भन्दै बिमलले आफ्नो पैसा कमाएको पुरुषत्व देखायो, ल ल दाईले भने पछि म त तयार छु रुपा फुरुंग भइन् |दुवै जना न्युरोड रेस्टुराँबाट निक्लेर बिमल कुमारको मोटर साइकलमा जय नेपाल सिनेमा हलमा आई पुगे |अनि बाल्कोनीको टिकेट काटेर दुवै जना भित्र पसे, फिलिम शुरु हुन लागेको थियो | रुपा बिमल कुमारको पछि पछि हिड्दै थिइन, अनि दुवै जना सिटमा बसे |
फिलिम शुरु भयो, शाहरुख खान देखे पछि त्यसै त रुपा उसको फ्यान झन खुशी भईन् |हल भित्र अध्यारो थियो घरीघरी पर्दामा फिलिमको लाइटले अलि अलि उज्यालो देखिन्थ्यो हलमा, यस्तैमा रुपा बिमल कुमारसंग कुम जुधाएर बसिन् |आखिर मानिसको मन न हो, माया भन्ने कुरा धेर थोर हुन्छ नै समिपमा भए पछि |बिमल कुमार पनि रुपाको कुममा हात फैलाएर राख्यो, मतलब उसले पनि माया दर्शायो रुपा माथि | रुपा अलि तरंगित भइन्, सायद पुरुषत्वको स्पर्श नै यस्तै हो |
बिस्तारै फिलिम हेर्ने क्रममा बिमल कुमारले रुपाको हात समाते | अनि हातमा छोटो किस गरे, रुपा चुपचाप बसिन् सायद रुपालाई पनि मिठो अनुभूति भयो होला |अब बिमल कुमारको आट आयो, रुपाले केहि नकारात्मक कुरा नगर्ने रहेछ भनेर अनि उसले बिस्तारै रुपालाई त्यही बसेको सिटमा नै अगालोमा बाध्यो | अनि उसले भन्यो " आइ लभ यु रुपा, आइ लभ यु सो मच|"
केरे कसलाई आइ लभ यु हरे.....पागल भयौ कि क्या हो भन्दै बिमल कुमारलाई झकझाकाइन् उसकी श्रीमतीले | बिमल कुमार त्यही सोफामा कुशन सिरानीलाई अँगालो मारेर सपनामा अर्ध निन्द्रामा बर्बाराएका रहेछन्, उसै बेला श्रीमती पसलबाट तरकारी लिएर आई पुगेका रहेछन् | धत्! क्या मिठो सपना भताभुंग भयो, हास्दै बिमल कुमार अफिसको पोशाक फुकाल्न थाले |
लेखक: बुद्ध चेम्जोंग

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Repairing corrupted files in Excel

Repairing corrupted files in Excel

- open blank work book
- go to open
- find the desired file & chose open & repair
- confirm by clicking Yes
 if excel can't open the file, choose extract data.
- if excel warns you that the file caused a serious error the last time it was opened agree to continue open it.
applied to


Microsoft Excel provides automatic recovery for a corrupted file by attempting to reopen and simultaneously repair the file. Excel identifies what it changed while repairing the file. If the repair fails, Excel again tries to open the file but instead of attempting a repair, Excel extracts cell values and formulas leaving only the data. Under some circumstances, however, Excel won't automatically go into recovery mode, so users may find it necessary to recover file data manually.

To manually repair a file

  1. On the File menu, click Open.
  2. In the Open dialog box, select the file you want to open, and click the arrow next to the Open button.
  3. Click Open and Repair, and then choose which method you want to use to recover your workbook.

Methods for recovering data from damaged workbooks

The following are additional methods you can use to recover data manually from a file that has been corrupted. Under some circumstances a disk error or network error may make it impossible to open a file. In those situations you should move your file to a different hard disk drive or from the network to a local disk before spending time implementing the recovery options outlined here.
The following methods are opportunities to save data that might otherwise be lost, so if one method is not successful, try another. You can also try third-party software solutions to recover file data if you can't recover your data using these methods.

If you can open the file in Excel

If you can't open the file in Excel

Saving a backup copy of your file

As a preventative measure, you may want to save your file often and create a backup copy every time you save. In the Save As dialog box (File menu, Save As command), click Tools, click General Options, and then select theAlways create backup check box. This way, you'll have access to a good copy of the file, should the original be accidentally deleted or become corrupted.
You can also make sure that Excel automatically creates a recovery file at specific intervals. In the Options dialog box (Tools menu, Options command), on the Save tab, select the Save AutoRecover info every check box, and then specify a number of minutes. In the AutoRecover save location box, specify the location where you want to save the recovery file. Make sure that the Disable AutoRecover check box (under Workbook options) is not selected.

More information

For more information about file recovery issues, see the product support articles listed under See Also, or go directly to the Excel 2003 Support Center.
Did this article help you?

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Lovely short quotes

Lovely Night SMS:

i count to 3 u shall fall a sleep
Master of puppets is pulling your strings, twisting ur mind n SmasHing ur dreams. blinded by me, u can't see a thing when i count to 3 u shall fall a sleep 1,2,3,Zzz
Love sms somewhere out there beneath the pale moon
somewhere out there beneath the pale moon light someone think in of u some where out there where dreams come true... goodnite & sweet dreams 2 you
Love sms cover blanket tight tight
As nite falls upon the land, it is time 2 Zz again. With the moon hangin in the starlit sky, i'm here to wish U NiteNite! Sweet dreams, cover blanket tight tight

Love sms As u go 2 bed 2nite
As u go 2 bed 2night, I ordered bats 2 guard u tight. I told some ghosts to dance in white, & 2 make sure u r alryt, i'LL ask the dracula 2 kiss ur neck goodnight..
Love sms windows of soul begin 2 close
Tireness draws across the mind making the body fade flexibility and soon windows of soul begin 2 close N enter the dreamland!! Sweet Dreams!
Love sms On this cold cold nite
On this cold cold nite,in My small small ROOm,i Look At The Brite Brite StArS iN tHe DaRk DaRk sKy & DrEaM of YouR sWeet sWeet SmiLe on ur CuTe CuTe FaCe! GdNiTe!
Love sms Wash your face
Wash your face and wash your feet! Now itz time 2 fall asleep. Yours eyes are weak N mouth can't speak so hope tis nite shall b nice and sweet. Good Nite.
Love sms A day is going to end again
A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like U making my everyday seems so great. Thank U my good friend lastly gd nite n sweet dreams...
Love sms Stars light Stars bright
Stars light Stars bright u're the only Star I see tonight. I wish I may. I wish I might be there guarding ur dreams tonite, gd nite sweet dreams
Love sms I was looking out the windows
I was looking out the windows thinking about the person I care most & the person that came into my mind is U so juz wanna wish u good nite.......
Love sms Close ur @@ eyes
da starz r out, da moon is up, 1 more HUG, 1 more smile, KISS u once, KISS u twice, now itz time 4 bed. Close ur @@ eyes, n sleep tite!  If dreamz vrn't dreamz n if dreamz
If dreamz vrn't dreamz n if dreamz cum true, i wdnt b here i wd b vth u. Distance is 1 thing dat kips us apart bt u r olwaz in my HEART. Gd nyt... By Raj
Love smsIf u'r awake, goodnight my
If u'r awake, goodnight my sweet darling and if u just woke up, good morning honey. Luv u so much. by aishaz
Love smsDont ever give up wen
Dont ever give up wen u r doesnt matter if u fall many tyms..jst remember that each time u fall nvr let u reach d always be around.gudnyt..u  By A LOVELY SOUL
Love smsWelcome aboard2 "Sweet Dreams
Welcome aboard2 "Sweet Dreams" airline, all passengers on bed, hug ur pillows as the flight will be leaving soon 2dream land. Enjoy ur time ;) G'NITE!By devchonka

Lovely Naughty SMS
CONGRATS.Your phone has been installed
CONGRATS.Your phone has been installed with a new puzzle game. To play,throw your phone against the wall.Then assemble the pieces....
Love sms Always start your day with a lot of... S E X S
Always start your day with a lot of... S E X S - SMILE E - ENERGY X - XCITEMENT so make S E X a daily habit, and youll always B SUCSEXFUL! in LIFE.
Love sms Come here,take off urs pants and knickers
Come here,take off urs pants and knickers, get on top of me, enjoy until u get satisfied, loving urs.....toilet!
Love sms Lastnite i went 2 bed without u.
Lastnite i went 2 bed without u..cold,naked,thinking of u, missing ur warmth, ur soft touch against my skin. Where were u lastnite,
my lovely pyjamas
Love sms A girl phoned me the other day and said.
A girl phoned me the other day and said..."Come on over, there's nobody home." I went over. Nobody was home
Love sms Press down down more Ok more YES
Press down down more Ok more YES ahh ohh yes almost there yeah oh shit harder SO GOOD ! mmmmm That's how I sex on text !
Love sms I really deeply wish tat u r here
I really deeply wish tat u r here with me in my room.on my bed&lights is off & we get under the cover together.. 2 show u my glow in the dark watch.
Love sms He came at night,
He came at night,
explored my body,
got on top of me,
touched me,
he bit, sucked, swalowd,
when he was satisfyed,
he left,
i was hurt,

Life ends when you stop dreaming
Life ends when you stop dreaming, hope ends when you stop believing and love ends when you stop caring. So dream hope and love...Makes Life Beautiful
Love sms Time will always fly
Time will always fly, but our love will never die. Keep in touch and remeber me
Love sms When You give your heart
When time comes for u to give ur heart to someone, make sure u select someone who will never break ur heart, cuz broken hearts has never spare parts.
Love smsWrite on Bricks
I m going to write on all the bricks I MISS U and i wish that one falls on ur head,so that u knows how it hurts when u miss someone special like u.
Love sms If 10 people care 4 u
If 10 people care 4 u, one of them is me, if 1 person cares 4 u that would be me again, if no 1 cares 4 u that means i m not in this world.
Love sms I m feeling so happy
I m feeling so happy, do u know why? cuz i m so lucky, do u know how? cuz God loves me.Do u know how? cuz he gave me a gift. Do u know what? its YOU my love.
Love sms First time i saw u
1st time i saw u i was scared 2 touch u.1st time i touched u i was scared 2 kiss u.1st time i kiss u i was scared to luv u.but now dat i luv u im scared 2 lose u!
Love sms If i were a tear in ur eye
If i were a tear in ur eye i wood roll down onto ur lips.But if u were a tear in my eye i wood never cry as i wood be afraid 2 lose u!
Love sms I love all the stars in the sky,
I love all the stars in the sky, but they are nothing compared to the ones in your eyes!

Missing you SMS
If u wanna know how much I miss u,
If u wanna know how much I miss u,
try to catch rain drops,
the ones u catch is how much u miss me,
and the ones u miss is how much I miss
Love sms Last night i wanted to send u a msg
Last night i wanted to send u a msg, but all i could write was: "noh ss!w !". it didn't make much sense until i read it upside down...By Nikeee
Love sms Whenever I miss You,
Whenever I miss You, Stars falls down from theSky.
So any day if you find the sky empty, don't blame me!
It's all your fault; You made me Miss You So Much!!By Uzzal
Love sms Close your Eyes,
Close your Eyes,
Relax your Body,
And stop your Breathing as long as you can...
I Miss you as much as YOU MISSED THE AIR!By Uzzal
Love sms In The Flower My Rose Is You,
In The Flower My Rose Is You,
In The Diamond My Kohinoor Is You,
In The Sky My Moon Is You,
I'm Only Body My Heart Is You,
That's Why I Always MISS YOU!By Uzzal
Love sms U must b tired coz u hv been running
U must b tired coz u hv been running through my mind, u gotta b a thief coz u hv stolen my heart n I must hv been a bad shooter coz I keep missing u.By candy sana sattar
Love smsDo u know
Do u know, what I say, what I think, what I feel, what I think, what I wish, U want to know? I MISS U SO MUCH.By J-J
Love sms Kitna bhi chaho na bhol pao ge
Kitna bhi chaho na bhol pao ge Hamain,Jitna dur jao nazdik pao ge Hamain, Mita sakte ho to mita do yadain meri,Magar kya sapno se juda kar pao ge Hamain.(i miss u sidra sabeen) By Sami Gul
Love smsThere's no Special reason
There's no Special reason for this msg, I juz wanna steal a single moment out of ur busy life & hope I can make u smile n say: I Miss U. by Ikram
Love smsGood Time,Bad Time,Day Time,Night
Good Time,Bad Time,Day Time,Night Time,Work Time,Off Time,Happy Time,Sad Time,Sleep Time,In the Mean Time...I MISS YOU all the Time.By Uzzal

 I MISS YOU in every beats of heart,
In every blink of my eyes,
In every second of Time and...
In every moment of the Day ! 

Thursday, January 03, 2013

how to attach more mb data ina mail

The web site allows up to 100 MB of free storage for file sharing. This is a procedure that allows you to upload up to 100 MB of data directly from Yahoo Mail and someone else can download it. You need the All-New Yahoo Mail to use this procedure. With Classic mail you must do it manually at

Go to
Click on "attach large files" under applications
Click "allow" the first time you use it
Click "get started now" the first time you use it
Click "select files"
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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Jailbreaking iPhone

What is Jailbreaking?

Definition of Jailbreaking
Jailbreaking is the process by which an iPhone firmware is modified to allow unsigned code to be run to gain access to files that Apple wouldn’t normally let you access. Jailbreaking adds unofficial application installers to your iPhone such as Cydia or Icy (I personally only use Cydia), which let you download many 3rd-party applications previously unavailable through the App Store.
Is Jailbreaking Legal?
Update: Jailbreaking is now officially legal in the US
Yes and no. The legality of jailbreaking is very unclear. Most iPhone owners including myself think that since we own the iPhone, we should be able to do whatever we want with it.
Apple’s lawyers think differently as they consider jailbreaking to be a violation of copyright. I had a phone conversation with Apple’s copyright attorney about a year ago and he admitted to me that they are not capable of going after every jailbreaker out there… To these days, I don’t think anyone has had legal issues with Apple due to jailbreaking.
Why Jailbreak Your iPhone

Jailbreaking lets you install applications that are not approved by Apple. Many of these applications can be very helpful but they will unfortunately never make it to the App Store due to Apple’s restrictions. There are many reasons why you would want to jailbreak your iPhone:
  • install 3rd party applications rejected by Apple for various reasons (ie. nudity)
  • video recording (now available on the iPhone 3GS)
  • changing the look and feel by installing custom graphics and themes
  • free tethering
  • get access to cracked App Store apps for free (not endorsed by me, but still worth noting)
  • be able to unlock your iPhone
Why Not Jailbreak Your iPhone

I can only think of one reason why you wouldn’t want to jailbreak. Jailbreaking your iPhone automatically voids the warranty. This is not really a problem as you can always restore your iPhone in iTunes, putting it back to its factory settings. This will make it impossible for Apple to see you jailbroke your iPhone, thus not voiding your warranty.
In the past, some jailbreak methods were not very stable and sometimes turned your iPhone into an iBrick aka an expensive paper weight. Jailbreak methods are now very stable and I have yet to hear about someone bricking his iPhone while jailbreaking. In other words, jailbreaking is safe!
How Do I Jailbreak My iPhone?
I wrote many tutorials on how to jailbreak your iPhone, depending on what iPhone and what firmware you have. Check them out, follow the instructions, and have fun. You don’t need to have a PhD in computer science to jailbreak your iPhone. It’s very simple and straightforward. If you can download 2 files and click “next” when prompted, then you can jailbreak your iPhone.
What If Something Goes Wrong?
It’s very unlikely that something will go wrong… If you have a problem, simply plug your iPhone to your computer, launch iTunes, and click “restore”. As I mentioned above, it will restore your iPhone to factory settings.
Why Are You Still Reading This?
What? You’re still aren’t sure about this whole jailbreak thing? You’re missing out big time. An unjailbroken iPhone is a plain boring iPhone! Jailbreaking is the best thing that has happened to my iPhone and I seriously can’t live without it.

What Is Unlocking?

Definition of Unlocking
Unlocking is the removal of SIM restrictions on the modem, allowing the use of the iPhone on any carrier. There are 2 types of iPhone unlocks:
  • software unlock: the iPhone is unlocked by a software
  • hardware unlock: modification have to be made to the actual hardware to unlock the phone
Software unlocks are safer because they do not modify your device and can easily be reverted back. Soft unlocks are mostly developed for free by the Dev Team, an international group of iPhone hackers. Hardware unlocks are a little tricky and usually cost money. In clear, if you want to unlock your iPhone, you can do it for free by with a safe software unlock.
Is Unlocking Legal?
According to Wikipedia, “unlocking a phone without the permission or unlocking code from the provider is usually in breach of the agreement with the provider, though most countries do not make specific laws prohibiting the removal of SIM locks. In the United States the DMCA formerly was claimed to criminalize unlocking. However, an exemption that took effect 27 November 2006 specifically permits it.”
Why Unlock Your iPhone
The main reason to unlock your iPhone is if you want to use it with a different service provider (ie T-Mobile). An unlocked iPhone also has a better resell value.
Why Not Unlock Your iPhone
If you’re good with your phone carrier and will not use your iPhone internationally, there is absolutely no reason for you to unlock your iPhone.
How Do I Unlock My iPhone?
Before unlocking your iPhone, you will have to jailbreak it. The unlock can either be done from a computer, or directly from the iPhone. Check out my iPhone unlock tutorials for step by step instructions.
What If Something Goes Wrong?
Although unlocks can sometimes mess up your settings a little bit, they are constantly improved to fix errors and bugs. If something goes wrong, you can always restore your iPhone to factory settings.

In Short…

I case you’re still not really sure you understand the difference between jailbreaking and unlocking, let me put it in very simple words. Jailbreaking an iPhone means that 3rd party applications can be installed on it (ie. apps from other developers than Apple). Unlocking an iPhone means that any SIM card can be used on it.
If you have questions or anything you want to say, feel free to leave a comment below or start a new conversation in the forum


What are the Benefits of Jailbreaking?

The main reason why you’d want to jailbreak is to have the ability to install third party applications and tweaks that Apple doesn’t or wouldn’t approve in the App Store. There are tons of applications that don’t meet Apple standards and do things that Apple doesn’t want you to do on your iOS device for various reasons.
For example, Apple doesn’t allow you to customize your iPhone by changing app icons or the general user interface of your device. Thanks to the jailbreak community, there are several ways to completely change the way your iPhone looks, WinterBoard being the most popular one.
Besides applications, jailbreaking also gives you access to tweaks, mods, and extensions. These not exactly considered applications. They bring subtle improvements to the way your iOS device operates. For instance, Five Icon Switcher is a tweak that lets you have 5 icons in the iPhone app switcher at once, instead of the default 4.
A lot of people jailbreak their iOS device in order to unlock it to work on a different carrier. When you want to unlock your iPhone, the first step is to jailbreak it to then run and run software that will let you have other carriers work on your iPhone. For for information on unlocking, visit or dedicated unlock page.

Is Jailbreaking Legal?

Jailbreaking is completely legal, at least here in the US. For a long time, jailbreaking was considered illegal by the US government based on copyright litigation. In July of 2010, the US government passed a rule that made jailbreaking legal.
There is nothing to worry about. Even if you don’t live in the US, there’s a very slim chance that Apple would sue you because you jailbroke your iPhone. It hasn’t happened yet, and people all over the world have been jailbreaking since 2007.

Does Jailbreaking Void my Warranty?

Yes and no. Yes, because if you go to the Apple store and show your jailbroken iPhone to an Apple employee, you will be told that you can’t receive customer support because you voided your warranty the minute you jailbroke. Apple of course acknowledges the US government’s DMCA exception ruling that makes jailbreak legal, but that doesn’t mean that Apple has to allow jailbreak in its customer agreement.
From Apple’s support article on jailbreaking:
“Apple strongly cautions against installing any software that hacks the iOS. It is also important to note that unauthorized modification of the iOS is a violation of the iPhone end-user license agreement and because of this, Apple may deny service for an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch that has installed any unauthorized software.”
If you really have to take your iOS device to an Apple store, you can always restore it to its factory settings in iTunes. This will bring your iOS device back to the way it was when you first bought it, and Apple will have no way of telling that you ever jailbroke.
Many people have taken previously jailbroken devices to Apple several times before that were restored beforehand. Apple is usually not able to tell will provide full and normal customer support.

Can I Brick My iPhone if I Jailbreak?

You might have heard a few horror stories about people who tried to jailbreak their iPhone or iPad and ended up turning it into a brick. While this could have happened in the early days of the iPhone, this is now completely impossible.
The worst thing that could happen when trying to jailbreak is that it might get stuck and become unresponsive, in which case some people may automatically think that there’s no hope. You’re always able to restore your iOS device’s firmware back to the stock version, and following these simple steps will make sure your iPhone or iPad goes back to its original state.

Is Jailbreaking the Same as Unlocking?

No, jailbreaking and unlocking are two different things. To unlock your iPhone, you usually have to jailbreak first. As noted previously, jailbreaking an iPhone lets you install third party applications and mods, while unlocking allows you to use your iPhone on a different carrier.
You can learn more about the difference between jailbreaking and unlocking if you’re interested.

Can I Still Use iTunes and the App Store After Jailbreaking?

People often ask this question. Yes, you can use iTunes and the App Store after jailbreaking your device. As a matter of fact, nothing will really change. The only notable change to your iOS device will be that, after jailbreaking, you will have a new application installed on your device called Cydia.

What is Cydia?

In short, Cydia is like the App Store of jailbreak applications. Just like the App Store, you can browse Cydia for apps, tweaks, and mods. Just like the App Store, you can download and install Cydia apps effortlessly. Most apps and tweaks in Cydia are free, but it is not unusual for a jailbreak app to sell for a few dollars.

Will Jailbreaking Prevent Me from Updating iOS?

If your iOS device is jailbroken and you decide to update it to the latest version of iOS, doing so will overwrite the jailbreak and restore your device to its factory settings. This might not be a big problem for most people, but it can become an issue for people who rely a lot of jailbreak apps and tweaks.
Every time Apple releases a new iOS update, hackers generally aren’t too far behind with an update for the tools that let you jailbreak. When a new iOS version and accompanying jailbreak are released, the preferred method is to backup your device first, update to the latest iOS version, and jailbreak again using one of the updated tools.
It’s important to note that it sometimes takes a while for hackers to develop a jailbreak following an iOS update, which is why we usually recommend jailbreakers to hold off on updating when a new iOS version is made available.

What are the different types of jailbreaks?

The are 3 types of jailbreaks: tethered, semi tethered, and untethered. Read this article to learn more about the differences between these kinds of jailbreak.

Can Jailbreaking Allow Me to Get App Store Applications for Free?

Yes, but we do not recommend installing pirated apps on your jailbroken device. Not only are you doing something illegal, but you’re also stealing money from hard working developers. We do not help troubleshoot or give support on app piracy.

Is Jailbreaking Easy?

These days, jailbreaking is very easy. Usually, you just need to download a piece of software, plug your iOS device into your computer, and run the software. There is no specific knowledge or skills required.
You will find some very useful tutorials on how to jailbreak at the bottom of this page. If you don’t feel completely comfortable jailbreaking your iOS device, make sure to have a look at our tutorials, they will guide you through the process with step-by-step instructions and illustrations.

What is the Best Jailbreak Tool?

There isn’t a “best” jailbreak tool, as tools are constantly being updated and replaced with new and improved methods. Performing an actual jailbreak can be a very different experience depending on your iOS device and software version. What tool you use is also determined by if you use a Mac or Windows computer.

Does it Cost Anything to Jailbreak?

No. You should never pay for a jailbreak.
Hackers that develop jailbreaks do it for free, sometimes (rarely) asking for donations. Some people may charge you to jailbreak your iOS device for you. If it makes you feel better to pay someone, you can do that, but why pay when you can do it yourself for free?

How to Jailbreak Your iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, and Apple TV

iOS 6.0.1:

iOS 6:

iOS 5.1.1:

iOS 5.1:

  • Jailbreak iPhone 4S: No jailbreak for this firmware version
  • iPhone 4: RedSn0w
  • iPhone 3GS: RedSn0w
  • Jailbreak iPad 3: No jailbreak for this firmware version
  • iPad 2: No jailbreak for this firmware version
  • iPad 1: RedSn0w
  • iPod Touch 4G: RedSn0w
  • iPod Touch 3G: RedSn0w
  • Apple TV 3:  No jailbreak for this firmware version
  • Jailbreak Apple TV 2: Seas0nPass

iOS 5.0.1:

iOS 5:

iOS 4.4.4:

iOS 4.3.5:

iOS 4.3.4:

iOS 4.3.3:

iOS 4.3.2:

iOS 4.3.1:

iOS 4.2.8

iOS 4.2.1

Jailbreak iPhone iOS 4.1

Jailbreak iPhone iOS 4.0.2

Jailbreak iPhone iOS 4.0.1

Jailbreak iPhone iOS 4

Jailbreak iPad 3.2.1

Jailbreak iPad 3.2

Jailbreak iPhone 3.1.3

Jailbreak iPhone 3.1.2

Jailbreak iPhone 3.1

Jailbreak iPhone 3.0.1

Firmware 3.0 Jailbreak