Saturday, January 28, 2012


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Most of the Kids, range from the easy, like “would a shark beat a dinosaur in a fight ?”  through  the tricky, like “why is the sky blue?” to the near-impossible, such as “How much does the earth weight?”

KIDs bombard their parents with questions every day on all manner of subjects and now a survey has found the 10 most feared by the grown-ups.

Top of the list : “Why is the moon sometimes out in the day? Others include: will we ever discover aliens? And how do airplanes stay in the air?

A quarter of British parents find themselves puzzled by their children’s science and maths questions on a daily basis, the survey found. Researchers found that 26 percent of parents think their children are more knowledgeable about Maths and science thatn they are, with more than lalf of parents dreading questions about subjects they cannot answer correctly, leaving them frustrated and embarrassed.

The study found that third of parents would actively research to find the answer, whilst many admit they either make up the answer or deflect the question onto their partner.

Polling 2,000 parents with children aged -16, it found that many parents believe their youngster’s curiosity for science and maths has been fueled by educational TV programmes.

Many of the parents wished they had taken more of an interest in maths and science in school and 10 percent say their limited knowledge is due to the lack of support and encouragement they received in these subjects when they where at school.

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